Belle II

| Joining the hunt of flavour

Pixel Detector PXD

Joining the hunt of flavour

Pixel Detector PXD

PiXel Detector (PXD) lies at the innermost part of the Belle II detector, closest to the point where the electron and positron beams from the accelerator collide. It measures precisely the position at which charged particles cross - from that an important information where particles are generated and decay to another set of particles can be reconstructed.

The PXD project is lead by German institutes, and the DESY PXD group had been responsible for the final testing and commissioning of the pixel detector before transporting and installing the detector at the experimental site in KEK (Japan). The DESY group takes the lead in operation of the detector at KEK, and also provides a full scale test stand on DESY site for the PXD data acquisition system to support developments and testing in parallel to the activities at KEK.

The DESY group is also active in performance optimisation and software developments for PXD as well as the entire tracking system.